Periodontal microsurgery takes advantage of the increased visual acuity gained with a surgical microscope.
Performing surgery through the magnification of the microscope allows Dr. Boynton to minimize surgical trauma and optimize surgical outcomes.
For the first time, this magnification offers dentists and hygienists the visibility to view the depths of the sulcus to determine the actual results of scaling and root planing, as well as to visualize and perform a range of subgingival diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
Some of advantages of microsurgery are:
- See and access without surgery what couldn’t be seen before
- 24 x-48 x magnifications
- Pinpoint residual tartar remaining after traditional therapy
- Allows more thorough removal of tenacious deposits
- Visualize furcations and soft tissue inflammation
- Offer patients a reassuring, minimally-invasive alternative
- Diagnostically identify root fracture, subgingival decay and much more